(Europe — Italia - Friuli Venezia Giulia region - Province of Udine - Homogeneous area of Cividale and Natisone Valleys - Prepotto municipal district)
The sanctuary of ‘The Madonna (or ‘Virgin Mary’) of Castelmonte' is one of the most ancient in the Middle-Europe It was already built in 1200 a.C.. It is located on the beginning southern chain of hills in the Natisone Valleys, at 618 metres a.s.l., 9 km from Cividale del Friuli, 11 km from Prepotto (its municipal district), 6,5 km from San Pietro al Natisone (San Quirino bridge). |
The statue of the Virgin Mary (which is black coloured, as other similar ones in the Middle-Europe) dates back to 1400. The sanctuary (which has also a crypt and an ex voto gallery) is located on the top of a little fortified hamlet that still conserves the ancient wall, the gate and a little paved street.
Several there are the services that the Capuchin friars, who take care of the sanctuary, give to the pilgrims, besides the daily religious ones: lift, rooms for meetings (40-80 seats), two facilities for accommodation and refreshment, two shops for religious articles and souvenirs.
There is also published (and sent everywhere in the world) a bulletin.
Info (8.30-12.00/14.39-18.00): tel.0432-701267-730150-731094 www.santuariocastelmonte.it
Where to stay for sleeping in Castelmonte and surroundings
CASA DEL PELLEGRINO (in the hamlet) tel.0432-731161 –700636
Holiday farm RONCHI DI FORNALIS**°° of Nucera Martina, CIVIDALE del Friuli 33043 UD, via Fornalis 185 (9 km from Castelmonte, near Cividale), tel./fax.0432-730790 / Accommodation in large rooms with 2-3-4 beds / Attached osteria 'Al Liron' with typical cooking / Open whole year (see file) |
Where to eat typical food at Castelmonte
Restaurant AL PIAZZALE (below the hamlet): tel.0432-700636
Holiday Farm LE BETULLE**°°, PREPOTTO 33040 UD, Via Cialla 58 (4 km before the Sanctuary of Castelmonte), tel.0432-709805 / Cold and hot typical homemade cooking / Areas for campers and roulottes with services / Children playground, minizoo / Accommodation in bedrooms / Open only for midday meal in friday, saturday, sunday. (DE)
Holiday farm ALLA COLLINA**°° of Dugaro Giorgio, CIVIDALE DEL FRIULI, 33043 UD, loc.Fornalis Strada dei boschi 4 (8 km from Castelmonte, at Cividale), tel.0432-730769 346-8559777
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/ Hot dishes (homemade cooking): saturday and sunday 10-22.00 or on booking; cold dishes from wednesday to friday 10-14.00/16.30-21.00, saturday and sunday whole day (see file)
Antica Osteria con cucina AL LIRON** via Fornalis 185 (9 km from Castelmonte, near Cividale), tel./fax.0432-730790 / Cold and hot cooking: own meats, cured pork meats and wines / Open the whole day, wednesday closed / Touristic accommodation 'Ronchi di Fornalis' (see file) |
Typical products of the Natisone Valleys
DORBOLO’ Gubane, confectionery producer with shop-bar-tasting open all days, SAN PIETRO al Natisone 33049 UD, via Alpe- Adria 81 (main street), tel.0432-727052 fax.0432-727770 www.gubane.net / Classic gubana, gubana with walnuts, gubanetto, strucchi and other typical sweets, Cuor di castagna / Forwarding anywhere in the world
GIUDITTA TERESA Gubane of Chiabai Silvana, SAN PIETRO al Natisone 33049 UD, loc.Azzida via Algida 43, tel./fax.0432-727681 www.giudittateresa.com / Gubana-gubanza, 'cuor di gubana', strucchi, gubana trunk and other typical sweets (new: the 'colombana')/ Open from tuesday to saturday 8.30-12.30/15-19.30, sunday 9-12.30/15-19.30 / Forwarding anywhere in the world
Winery MARINIG VALERIO***°, Prepotto 33040 UD, via Brolo 41, tel./fax.0432-713012 www.marinig.it / The original Schioppettino, Picolit, Verduzzo friulano, Sparkling brut and classic C.O.F. wines: Friulano, Chardonnay, Pinot bianco, Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet franc and the red grape blend Biel Cur / Direct sale in working time