Restaurant Osteria Alla TAVERNETTA da ALIGI at Porpetto in Friuli region |

Maize, cheese, river fish, pork, snails, rice (which here is cultivated since 1700) and now also white truffle are the best fruit of these lands born from the sea (with millenary forests, deep rivers with pure surgive waters, intense green countries) that give to them a particular and marked taste. We propose them with recipes both traditional and creative made with great care and refinement. So you will allways find in the menu of the Taverenetta da Aligi (price between € 23-33): ham with horse radish sauce, ‘toc in braide’, duck dumplings, risotto with sausage, snails to bourguignonne… but also frico fan with polenta and fat bacon, small bundles of puff pastry, small flan seasonal upon montasio cream, our carpaccio of salmon trout, pork fillet steak with Friulano white wine and chicory, stewed pork small muscles, our vegetables au gratin…. ….and other fifteen dishes of the tradition in the starter, first and second courses, among which are grilled lamb, veal and beef, game, to finishing with typical and others home made sweets as our mousse and bavarian cream, fruit salad and artisan ice-cream. For appropriate matchings, in Tavernetta da Aligi is available a selection of over 100 wines regional and national, several of which is possible tasting also in the bar.
The festival of the pork cuisine lovers a month long
At beginning the year (from the last of January to the first sunday of February) Tavernetta da Aligi becomes undisputed protagonist of the gastronomic news in the North-East of Italy with the ‘Grande Fieste dai nemoràz dal purcìt’ (Great festival of the pork lovers), in which every day is proposed a very rich menu based on all parts of the pork (more than 15 dishes). The event has already overtaken 50 editions.
From the natural environment a new speciality
The precious white truffle has been recently discovered between Porpetto and Muzzan del Turgnano villages in the forests which 2000 years ago was a part of the immense ‘silva lupanica’. Rightly today the truffle is a stable and prestigious presence in our menu
The Tavernetta da Aligi was born in 1955 as ‘osteria’ (open still today with three little rooms where you can enjoy typical regional products and wines) beginning at once also the activity of hot cooking. The love for the cooking both typical and creative and also the care in the furnishing and artistic enrichment of the place have obtained countless private and public awards, among which stands the golden medal of the Province of Udine The management of the restaurant is always of the founder family in which mistress Elsa is aided by the sons Ezio in the kitchen and Clia and Mary in the bar and in the rooms.
Restaurant Bar Alla Tavernetta da Aligi Porpetto 33050 UD, via Matteotti 16 tel.0431-60201 Open: 10-14.00 monday, tuesday / 10-15.00 and 16.30-23.00 thursday, friday, saturday / 10-15.00 in sunday |
For some hours of relax come to Porpetto, where are waiting for you at 100metres from The Tavernetta: - the square of the church with a millenary bell-tower, the river park, fountains, park and rest area with recreational facilities for children - at Castello, the Park of resurgents with a large ‘olla’ and loop of the Corno river - at Pampaluna, the very ancient forest ‘Bosco Sgobitta’ - at Corgnolo, historical nobiliary court and mill.